About Us

Heritage Reformed Church is in the Covenant East Classis of the Reformed Church in the U.S. a member church of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC).  Heritage Reformed Church was established in Honesdale, PA in the summer of 2003 at the instigation of members of the Reformed Church in the United States living in north-east, Pennsylvania.

Heritage Reformed Church traces its ecclesiastical history to the early beginnings of the RCUS in Colonial Pennsylvania in 1745 and prior to that to the formation of early congregations in the Philadelphia region in 1720.

The doctrinal standards of Heritage Reformed Church are those of the Sixteenth Century Protestant Reformation (hence the name “Reformed”) and consist of the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession of Faith and the Canons of Dordt known world-wide as “The Three Forms of Unity.” As a confessional church we are always ready to “give an answer for the hope that is within us.” Our confessional standards ensure unity in matters of essential doctrine.

Heritage Reformed Church engages in traditional worship; teaches that man is saved by grace, not works; supports the right-to-life of unborn infants; encourages fathers to exercise headship in the home as Christ would love the church and teaches six-day creation.

We seek to consistently preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to apply biblical principles to the issues confronting our families, churches, communities and nation.



Heritage Reformed Church practices weekly worship every Lord’s Day, in accordance with the New Testament practice, and in which the reading and preaching of God’s word are the central elements. The prayers, hymns and offerings of the congregation are necessary responses to God’s word. The Scriptures teach us that God seeks those who worship him in Spirit and in truth. Accordingly, we are called to worship God in an orderly manner, “with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” Worship is to be carried out according to God’s commandments and not according to the commandments of men. (Mark 7:7)

Marks of a Church

We seek to uphold, by the grace of God, the marks of a true Church: The preaching of the pure teaching of the Gospel, the proper distribution of the sacraments, and the faithful exercise of Christian discipline.


The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are seen as secondary but necessary physical symbols of God’s grace in Christ. Baptism is a sign of God’s covenant and is properly administered to children of believers in their infancy as well as to those who come as adults to trust in Christ.


All Christians are called on to join in the membership and fellowship of a true Church. The local church consists of Christian believers and their children. The members of Heritage Reformed Church hold to the classic formulations of Reformed theology which came out of the reformation period: the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession of Faith, and Canons of Dort.

Church Government

The biblical model of church government requires that the church is to be nurtured and governed by the New Testament offices of Pastors, Elders and Deacons.

Covenant Youth Instruction

We strive to pass down to our children “the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Covenantal training by parents, and through Catechism classes prepare our youth for public profession of faith, and equip them for a life of service to God.


In addition to growing in our own understanding of the faith, the Scriptures exhort us to spread the Gospel news and call the lost to Christ. This we do in prayerful and confident expectation that God will be pleased to call many to faith in His Dear Son through the ministry of Heritage Reformed Church.


We labor to counsel, comfort, and edify believers by God’s Word and Spirit so their lives are conformed to the will of God, and out of thankfulness serve Him in His kingdom until Christ returns.


The Biblical notion of covenant theology, as interpreted by the historic Reformed and Presbyterian tradition, provides us with a solid theological basis from which to discuss marriage, family, children and other personal relationships within the church.